Saturday, February 11, 2012

Perfect Infinitives

Di posting Infinitives dan Penggunaannya, kita telah diskusikan penggunaan “to + verb1” dan, bentuk negatifnya, “not + to + verb1“. Infinitives tersebut digunakan untuk mengekspresikan action yang dilakukan di masa sekarang dan masa mendatang. Bentuk infinitive ini disebut present infinitives.

Selain present infinitives, Bahasa Inggris juga mengenal bentuk infinitive yang lain yang disebut perfect infinitives, dengan struktur:


Verb3 = past participleHas dan had tidak digunakan setelah particle to.Perfect infinitives umumnya langsung mengikuti adjectives (e.g. happy, glad, sad, grateful, pleased, delighted, etc) atau verbs of perceptions (e.g. seem, appear, look, sound, smell, etc).

Berbeda dengan penggunaan present infinitives, perfect infinitives digunakan untuk mengekspresikan action yang sudah dilakukan atau sudah terjadi di masa lampau. Dengan kata lain, action dari verb di perfect infinitives terjadi sebelum action dari main verb (predikat).

Kalau main verb-nya dalam present tense, maka konteks dari perfect infinitive tersebut pada prinsipnya sama dengan present perfect tense.


You seem to have known her very well = It seems (that) you have known her very well.The lighting in their house is dim. They appear to have gone to bed already = It appears (that) they have gone to bed already.I am glad to have met you before = I am glad (that) I have met you before.

Sedangkan, kalau main verb-nya dalam past tense, maka konteks dari perfect infinitive tersebut sama dengan past perfect tense.

You seemed to have known her very well = It seemed (that) you had known her very well.The lighting in their house was dim. They appeared to have gone to bed already = It appeared (that) they had gone to bed already.I was glad to have met you before = I was glad (that) I had met you before.

Seperti halnya present infinitive, bentuk negatif dari perfect infinitives juga dengan menyisipkan abverb not sebelum particle to.


Budi is sad not to have gone to the party.He looked not to have been familiar with the new machine.That team became the first one not to have proceeded to the next round.

Bentuk pasif dari perfect infinitives mengikuti pola:


The little boy was very happy not to have been left alone.The driver was sad to have been ticketed by the police.He is still too young to have been given that responsibility.

Perfect infinitives dapat mengikuti modal auxiliary, seperti could, would, might, ought, should, must, will. Dalam hal ini, particle to tidak digunakan. Verb phrase Modal + Perfect Infinitive ini umumnya digunakan untuk mengekspresikan past contraty-to-fact situations, serta past dan future possibility.


You should have been there last night ( Fact: You weren’t there last night).Many students didn’t pass the exam. They should have studied harder.He would have arrived in time if he hadn’t got a flat tire.Wow, the ground is so wet. It must’ve rained last night.She could’ve stayed in Bali longer if she hadn’t had much work to do in Jakarta.I will have finished my report by noon tomorrow.

original article here


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